
The Secrets to Kickstarting Your Career In Medical Billing

Date: August 19, 2021

Do you want to ensure your financial security? Do you want to embark on a career that really makes a difference, but don’t have the qualifications necessary to do that? Dental billing courses are the perfect way to easily get started in the medical field. Today’s online programs make it especially easy to get your foot in the door. Here are some secrets to show you how to get started with medical billing and coding! 

1) Great Pay

Dental billing and coding doesn’t require a huge amount of training to get started. However, it’ll reward you with a solid paycheck right from the start. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that the median salary in 2017 was $39,180 for medical records and health information technicians. Since dental billing and coding falls right under that umbrella, that means you’ll have almost forty thousand dollars in your pocket, coming to you right from your very first day on the job. It’s clear that this is ideal if you want good wages for little training. 

2) Lots of Job Security

But what happens if there are layoffs at your new workplace? Even if you lose your dental billing job at one company, you’ll soon find another. Dental billing and coding jobs are plentiful no matter where you go. By 2026, the dental billing and coding field is expected to grow by thirteen percent according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This will bring the total number of jobs in this field up to around 234,000. That makes for plenty of choice. And since the US population will have higher amounts of elderly people in the future, the demand for qualified dental billing and coding technicians will rise even higher. 

3) Flexibility

Online degrees provide huge advantages in terms of flexibility. If you earn a dental billing qualification online, you’ll be able to make the course fit around you. Instead of moving to a physical campus, you can attend classes from the comfort of your living room couch. You’ll be able to complete assignments on your schedule, fitting them around the life you already have. Even after you get your degree, this flexibility will continue. Since dental billing and coding jobs often offer part-time or flexible hours, you can make the work suit you. This is one of the rare medical professions that offers true work-life balance. 

4) No Hands-On Experience Needed

One of the biggest barriers between a lot of people and the medical professions is squeamishness. You might want to help people get better and treat their illnesses, but the requirement to practically perform medical procedures or get up-close and personal to the more disgusting aspects of illness could be in your way. Dental billing and coding is the perfect solution. No matter where you end up working with it, you’ll never have to watch a medical procedure or perform a medical procedure.

5) Quick Route to Qualification

Dental billing and coding is also a great area to pursue a course in if you’re looking to be more employable fast. While most careers require years of intensive training and qualification, all you need to start in dental billing is a single accredited training program. This is particularly true if you opt for an online course, as they’re often faster and more compact than their physical counterparts. In as little as three months, you could have a full qualification in dental billing. There isn’t even a licencing exam required to be fully qualified in this field.

According to Medical Billing & Coding Certification, meanwhile, all courses in this field take between three to six months. That’s a much quicker timeline to get qualified than many other fields offer. Community colleges and vocational schools, once vital to getting your foot in the door, are no longer necessary. But dental billing and coding still offers plenty of ways to up your earning potential even after you’ve gotten the basic qualification. Associates’ degrees, which take two years to complete, and bachelors’ degrees, which take four years to complete, can skyrocket you from earning a solid wage to earning a huge one. Certification from organisations like the American Academy of Professional Coders or he American Health and Information Management Association can also help boost your income even further. 

What Next?

So, let’s say you’ve gotten your qualification and now you’re looking for your first job in dental billing and coding. What kind of jobs does your new qualification let you apply for?  According to the American Academy of Professional Coders, around 206,000 people are currently employed in this field, with that number set to rise by 27,800 by 2026. This means you’ll have a lot of options out there. Here are just some of the jobs an online degree in dental billing qualifies you for.

Dental Assistant: With a year of additional training, you can use your experience with dental billing to make a move directly into the dentist’s office. Here, you’ll handle the record-keeping, schedule appointments and even provide some of the basics of patient care.

Medical Transcriptionist: This is the job you’ll be able to get into the quickest with an online degree in dental billing. Here, you’ll transcribe medical professionals’ notes and orders, either electronically or by hand. 

Of course, when making big career or financial decisions, it’s always best to do your own research. Take your time, shop around and figure out what kind of course or career really works for you. But if you want money, job security, flexibility and the ability to help patients get better without ever picking up a medical instrument, consider dental billing and coding. An online degree in this field is a great way to finally satisfy all your career goals. 


  1. “Medical Records and Health Information Specialists”, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, accessed 3rd May 2021,
  2. “How Long Does It Take To Complete a Billing and Coding Program?”, Everything You Need To Get Started in Medical Billing and Coding, accessed 3rd May 2021,
  3. “What is Medical Billing and Coding?”, AAPC, accessed 3rd May 2021,
  4. “Coding Education”, American Dental Association, accessed 3rd May 2021,

Source: Buzzy Usa

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