
Plants Recommended by NASA to Purify the Air in Your Home

Date: July 17, 2021

You're probably aware that adding houseplants to a room can instantly improve its appearance. Did you realise, though, that houseplants may genuinely improve the atmosphere of a room? That's correct. Indoor plants are natural air filters, and adding them into your house is not only a delightful visual experience, but it may also improve your quality of life.

Take a step back. What's the matter with the air in my house?

In a nutshell, there's a lot. We live in a polluted environment, and it isn't only the air we breathe outside. In reality, the air inside our houses can be deadly to breathe at times, especially if you smoke or live with someone who does. You may be breathing in a variety of dangerous chemicals depending on your lifestyle and specific environmental interactions that occur within your home. These can be as common as ammonia (found in window cleaners) and formaldehyde (found in paper towels) to as dangerous as black mould (found in your basement) and lead particles (in the old paint on your walls). Isn't it terrifying?

Okay, you've got my attention now. I'm not sure what I can do about it.

Fortunately, there is a simple remedy for cleansing the air in your home: houseplants. The correct houseplants, which are less expensive than professional air filters, can help clear the air of potentially hazardous contaminants without increasing your utility cost. They also look terrific as a bonus.

What makes you think I should believe you?

Take it from NASA rather than from us. Plants are “nature's life support system,” according to NASA, and they may help filter the air. In fact, NASA published a list of the finest houseplants for air filtration in the 1980s. Official, to say the least.

So, how does it function?

Houseplants will begin to absorb particles in the air through their leaves and soil when you fill your indoor area with them. If the air particles include pollutants, they are also eliminated. That's all there is to it.

What are the finest houseplants for air purification?

Some plants are better at eliminating contaminants from the air than others. Houseplants with larger leaves are better than those with smaller leaves as a general rule, but start with this list:

Garden Mums are an excellent choice for purifying indoor air. They're especially good at absorbing ammonia and formaldehyde from your home's air.

Because the Ficus (also known as the Weeping Fig) may grow up to 10 feet tall, it performs well in larger spaces. It's not only a dramatic statement piece, but it's also quite low-maintenance. Its specialties include benzene and formaldehyde removal.

The Peace Lily, like the Ficus, is well-suited to smaller settings. And, despite their diminutive size, they pack a punch when it comes to air purification. Pollutants including ammonia and trichloroethylene are known to be removed by them.

At the end of the day, the level of pollutants in your home is determined by a number of circumstances, and if you suspect that you are living in an environment with more serious toxins, you may need to take more aggressive measures to purify the air. These NASA-recommended plants, on the other hand, are a tried-and-true treatment for daily pollution.

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