While it's certainly not a pleasant subject to discuss, we've all been there. More than three loose or watery stools per day is classified as having more than three separate ailments, such as a bacterial infection, food allergy, or simply eating something that doesn't agree with you. It is usually not serious and can be handled at home.
Whatever the case may be, it's an unpleasant predicament to be in, and there's nothing a person can do to stop diarrhoea once it begins. Rest, a restricted diet, and plenty of water are the best treatments. Within this restricted diet, there are some items that can help alleviate symptoms or at the very least prevent things from getting worse.
Here are some items to eat if you're suffering from diarrhoea...
The BRAT Diet
You've probably heard of the BRAT diet, which stands for bananas, rice (white), applesauce, and toast for those who haven't. These are the best foods to eat if you have diarrhoea because they are bland and won't irritate your digestive tract. They can also aid in stool firming.
According to the, the majority of healthy people will be advised to eat whole-grain and fiber-rich foods. The only time this rule does not apply is if a person is suffering from diarrhoea, as fibre can cause problems. To make stools more firm, eat meals that are poor in fibre, such as white rice and white bread.
Bananas are also beneficial since they are high in potassium, which helps your body replace any nutrients lost due to diarrhoea, as well as a rich amount of pectin and easy to digest, according to. Finally, applesauce is preferable to eating an apple since an apple's peel includes insoluble fibre that might irritate the digestive tract.
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Other Unappealing Foods
There is no specific food group that will help treat diarrhoea, but in addition to following the BRAT diet, patients with diarrhoea should attempt to keep to bland foods like potatoes, peanut butter, plain crackers, pretzels, skinless chicken or turkey, and yoghurt, according to the source.
“You want to consume straightforward, simple meals, especially in the first 24 hours,” says Peter Higgins, MD,PhD, director of the University of Michigan's inflammatory bowel disease department. “Thicker, bland foods, such as oatmeal, bananas, plain rice, and applesauce, are best.”
Gut health is synonymous with probiotics. Probiotics maintain our gut healthy by balancing out both good and bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to their living bacteria.
It's worth noting that anyone suffering from diarrhoea should probably avoid dairy. Probiotics like yoghurt and kefir, a fermented milk drink with probiotics, are the sole exceptions. The Cleveland Clinic writes, “These can replace the healthy bacteria that your body flushes out with diarrhoea.” When selecting these items, look for those that are low in sugar, as sugar can increase diarrhoea.
Obtain Plenty of Water
When a person has diarrhoea, especially for more than a few days, one of the biggest concerns is that they are losing a lot of fluids. It's critical to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and after each loose bowel movement, drink an extra cup of water. This will aid in the prevention of dehydration as well as the removal of any toxins from the body.
Minerals and electrolytes should be replenished.
People with diarrhoea should drink plenty of water and try clear broths like chicken or beef broth (with the grease removed). You should also consume electrolyte-enhanced water or water with vitamins and electrolytes (i.e., coconut water). You can buy products like Pedialyte or try a hot beverage. Only if the tea is very weak and decaffeinated.
According to Higgins to Everyday Health, “look for beverages containing sugar and salt – Pedialyte or full-salt soups work well.” “You are not drinking enough if your urine is not clear.”
Cooking Advice
When it comes to diarrhoea, the way we cook our meals can either help or injure us. Certain meals can be made easier to digest by changing their chemical structure. Carrots, green beans, beets, acorn squash, and peeled zucchini are just a few examples, according to VeryWell Health. All of these meals are simple to steam or boil.
Another thing to remember when cooking is to keep things simple. No butter, margarine, sour cream, or gravy should be used. These can cause stomach problems. Sprinkle some salt on top if you want to add some taste.
Meat should also be prepared without seasonings, butter, or oils in a very bland manner. Meat can be steamed, baked, or broil. VeryWell Health recommends basting it with chicken stock to increase flavour.
Foods to stay away from
There are foods that can help with diarrhoea, just as there are foods that can help with constipation. Unfortunately, there are more foods that can cause diarrhoea than foods that can help, thus this list is lengthy; nonetheless, we'll go over the major categories of foods.
People with diarrhoea should avoid milk and dairy products, as well as fried, fatty, and greasy foods, according to Healthline. Spicy foods, processed foods, pork and veal, sardines, raw vegetables, onions, corn, citrus fruits, and onions are all prohibited. You should also avoid foods like cabbage, beans, broccoli, and cauliflower, which can induce bloating.
Avoid These Drinks
We've already noted that persons with diarrhoea should stay hydrated to avoid dehydration, which can be a serious condition. Water, clear broth, or electrolyte drinks should be the only beverages consumed during a bout of loose stools. Sports drinks with electrolytes, on the other hand, should be avoided because they frequently contain additional sweets or artificial sweeteners.
Alcohol, soda, coffee, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated beverages should all be avoided. These drinks will only aggravate diarrhoea by adding to the bloating and cramping.
When Should You See a Doctor?
Diarrhea is not a life-threatening disorder, but it can become so if it lasts too long. It may usually be managed at home with over-the-counter (OTC) medications, rest, and a temporary diet restriction. If it persists for more than two days without improving, it's time to contact a doctor. When diarrhoea lasts more than two days, it's possible that a person will become dehydrated.
If you have other symptoms like black or bloody faeces, severe abdominal discomfort, or a temperature higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit (F), you should consult a doctor, according to Healthline.
A doctor should be notified if a child has diarrhoea for more than 24 hours, hasn't had a wet diaper in three hours or more, has a high fever (over 102 degrees Fahrenheit), has a dry mouth or tongue, cries without tears, has sunken abdomen, cheeks, or eyes, or has black or bloody stools, according to the source.
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