Studying video game design teaches you how to create the complex environments that appear in games. You get to create enthralling locations, a compelling plot, and believable people. In order to launch the games and ensure that consumers enjoy an engaging experience, game designers may collaborate with others. As a game creator, you are a part of an industry that is already larger than the film and music industries combined.
Creative writing, computer science, and graphic design all go under the umbrella of video game design. By 2022, the gaming sector is expected to earn $196 billion in revenue, which is why big digital companies want a piece of the action. With over two billion gamers (or 26% of the worldwide population), now is the greatest moment to consider a career in games design. [1]
It's no surprise that demand for video game designers is increasing in light of these trends. You will not only work in a pleasant and entertaining setting, but you will also most likely earn a substantial wage. Gaming designers may now cram more content into a single game thanks to technological developments like 4K resolutions. Video game demand has risen as a result of cultural shifts and the growing popularity of social media and streaming.
5 Reasons to Study Video Game Design.
1. You'll Be a Part of a Growing Industry
Today, the video game business is powerful enough to compete with Hollywood and television. It indicates that you won't be rendered obsolete or forced to change occupations very soon. Because almost everyone has a smartphone or other mobile device, the number of game players is growing by the day. All of these gamers want enthusiastic game designers to create fantastic games for them.
2. Excellent Salaries and Job Opportunities
For entry-level positions, a game artist's income starts at around $30,000 per year. When you work in senior art roles, the figure can reach $90,000 or more. A visual programmer might earn anything from $60,000 to $120,000 per year. Video game designers are well compensated, despite the fact that their pay is dependent on various criteria such as competence, job title, seniority, and experience. [2] A profession in video game design will sell like hot cake, with the software development industry's employment rate anticipated to expand by 22% between 2019 and 2029. [3] Video developers are in high demand in the United States alone. While the sector is highly competitive, career opportunities are growing.
3. You Get Paid To Do What You Enjoy
Unfortunately, today's economy has forced people to work in jobs they dislike because they have no other choice. In order to pay off their large student loans, even college graduates are taking employment outside of their field of study. If you enjoy creating characters, games, and virtual worlds, you're in luck because there are plenty of work opportunities in your profession. After earning your bachelor's degree in video game design, you'll be able to pursue your passion while earning money.
4. The Product Of Your Efforts Produce Health Benefits To All.
A game designer, according to Toru Iwatani, the creator of Pac-man, creates ventures that make people happy. [4] Although the primary purpose of video game development is to entertain, as a videogame designer, you have a lot more to give. Creating experiences to help with: * Depression * Weight concerns * Stress can have a good impact. Video games may also be used to help children learn, military train, and astronauts prepare for space missions. When you help to enhance our planet, even in modest ways, you will feel fulfilled.
5. You Have a Lot of Choices
After earning your bachelor's degree in video game design, you'll be surrounded by opportunities. A slew of new video game firms is springing up, all of which require designers to help them succeed. If you want the flexibility to run your notions and ideas, you can even establish your own firm. You have an option, which is not a regular occurrence in many sectors. There are various paths into this profession as well, allowing you to choose your chosen path.
It can be difficult to break into the field of video game creation, but choosing the correct degree will give you an advantage. A bachelor's degree in computer programming is a fantastic place to start for game creators. There are over 300 colleges that offer the course, so the possibilities are unlimited. You might also want to look into getting an online video game design degree. Before enrolling in any degree program, make sure you do your homework.